Nigerian Army PDF List Of Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | Check NA Shortlist Here

Nigerian Army PDF List Of Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | Check NA Shortlist Here

Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates 2023: The Nigerian Army 2023/2024 shortlisted candidates list has been released and is now available for viewing. This list contains the names of candidates who have recently applied for army recruitment. It is important for these candidates to visit the official website in order to check if their names appear on the list of successful candidates for the screening procedure.

By doing so, they will be able to determine if they have qualified for the next stage of the recruitment process. It is advised that all candidates regularly check the website for updates and further instructions regarding the screening procedure.

The Nigerian Army has released the list of shortlisted names for all those who applied to join. To find out if you made the list, you can visit the official Nigerian Army website at The shortlisted names have been made available on the website for your convenience.

Many applicants who have enrolled for the NA Recruitment are eagerly waiting for the Nigerian Army’s shortlist to be disclosed. We understand that this is an important step in the recruitment process, which is why we have produced this content to assist you in checking whether your name has made it to the shortlist.

It is crucial to note that the 2023/2024 Nigerian Army shortlist is a significant PDF list. This determines the candidates who have been selected to proceed further in the recruitment process. Being shortlisted means that you have been shortlisted for screening, training, interviews and other assessment tests.


Nigerian Army 2023 Shortlisted Candidates Names

The Nigerian army has recently released the 2023 shortlist of candidates. It is now time to check if your name is on the list of candidates. This is an important step in the recruitment process, as it determines whether you have been selected for further assessments.

To check the list, you will need to visit the Army portal and follow the instructions provided. Once you are on the NA portal, look for the section that contains the shortlist and enter your details as prompted.

If you encounter any difficulties while checking the shortlist, do not worry. The army is aware that some candidates may face technical issues or challenges during this process. In such cases, immediate assistance will be provided to ensure that you can access the information you need. The army is committed to making this process as smooth as possible for all candidates who applied online.

How To Check The PDF List Of 2023 Nigerian Army Shortlisted Candidates

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly and easily check the Nigerian Army shortlisted candidates. Remember to regularly visit the Nigerian Army’s official website for any updates or changes to the shortlist.

  • Visit portal login

  • Enter your application ID.

  • Check the names that have been shortlisted.

  • A PDF List will open for download.

  • Search for your name alphabetically and downloaded it on your device.

As a result of this page, candidates who wish to check the 2023/2024 Nigerian Army’s PDF list of shortlisted candidates will find valuable assistance.

By outlining the various stages of the selection process and highlighting the criteria used to assess candidates, it is evident that the Nigerian Army strives to recruit individuals who possess the physical fitness, intellectual abilities, and personal qualities required for effective military service.

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