Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Exam/Aptitude Test Date & Centers 2023

Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Exam/Aptitude Test Date & Centers 2023

Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Exam/Aptitude Test Date & Centers 2023 |

For those candidates who successfully applied to be tested for the next phase of the recruiting operation, the Navy Batch 33 Recruitment Examination and Aptitude Test date for the year 2023 is now out.

The official date and places for screening examination of shortlisted applicants from the batch 33 recruiting application have been issued by the Nigerian Navy officials.

Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Exam Date 2023.

The Nigerian Navy (NN) desires to remind the public that the 2023 Nigerian Navy Basic Training School Batch 33 Recruitment Examination will be held at 30 locations across the country on Saturday, March 12, 2023.

Applicants for the Nigerian Navy recruitment are advised to visit the official website,, to check if their names have been shortlisted. The list of shortlisted applicants will be available on the website. It is highly recommended that all applicants verify their status by accessing the website.

Shortlisted applicants are required to report for the Recruitment Examination promptly at 7 a.m. on March 12, 2023. It is important to note that no latecomers will be allowed entry into the examination centers.

The examination centers will be listed below the names of the shortlisted applicants. Each applicant will find the designated examination center indicated next to their name. Applicants must ensure they are aware of their assigned center and make the necessary arrangements to reach the venue on time.

We request all applicants to take this information seriously and make the necessary preparations accordingly. Applicants must report to the recruitment examination center and location where their examination has been scheduled to be held.

Applicants must also bring the following items:

  • Print out the Application Form with the applicant’s information.

  • One passport photo in color.

  • Materials for writing (2B Pencils and Erasers).

  • Masks for the face.

Due to the relevance of this information, you are kindly urged to distribute it to a broader audience. Candidates should appear at the testing centers one day before the official screening date.

Candidates who do not participate in the screening/aptitude test in 2023 will be automatically excluded from the recruiting process and will not be considered for the next stage.

How To Pass the Navy NNBTS Exam for 2023

If you aspire to join the Nigerian Navy and have submitted an application for the Nigerian Navy Basic Training School Batch 33 recruitment exercise, it is crucial to meet specific criteria to qualify for enlistment in the Nigerian Navy.

To successfully pass the examination, it is imperative to prepare well in advance of the competition. Candidates who obtain low scores on the exam will not proceed to the subsequent stages of the recruiting process. Therefore, diligent preparation and focused study are highly recommended to increase your chances of success.

However, candidates should focus on developing their physical fitness and mental resilience. Regular exercise, such as cardio workouts, strength training, and endurance exercises, will help improve overall fitness levels.

In addition to academic and physical preparation, candidates should review and understand the Nigerian Navy’s recruitment guidelines, eligibility requirements, and specific criteria for selection. This information can be found on the official Nigerian Navy website at

To prepare well for the exam and pass it, all you need is access to Nigerian Navy Previously Conducted Exams Questions and Answers, which we are offering at a low price. Past Nigerian Navy Questions and Answers from 2015 to 2021 can be found here.

Nigerian Navy Screening / Exam Centres 2023


Lagos 1 Navy Town, Ojo Nigerian Navy Secondary School
Lagos 2 Navy Town, Ojo Navy Town Secondary School
FCT 1 Mogadishu Barracks, Abuja Army Day Secondary School
FCT 2 Lungi Barracks, Abuja Command Day Secondary School
Abia Owerrinta Nigerian Navy Finance and Logistics College
Bauchi Shadawanka Barracks, Bauchi Command Day Secondary School
River State Nigerian Navy Secondary School Borokiri, Port Harcourt
Sokoto Giginya Barracks, Sokoto Army Day Secondary School

Nigerian Navy Screening Requirements


  • Original and photocopied certificates

  • NYSC discharge/exemption certificate valid identity card

  • Materials for writing

  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices will not be permitted in the exam room.

Please take note that the date for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Examination has been announced.

The names of those who have been shortlisted for the batch 33 navy examination or aptitude test are also available on the internet. Exam & Aptitude Test PDF for Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Shortlisted Candidates 2023

If you want to be notified of the successful shortlisted candidates for the Nigerian Navy Batch 33 Recruitment Exam and Aptitude Test.

Please be advised that the names of shortlisted candidates for batch 33 and the exam date are now available.

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