TSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 PDF List Of All Counties (Final Shortlist)
TSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023: Check out the TSC shortlisted candidates 2023 per county PDF List of successfully shortlisted candidates below.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made public its list of shortlisted candidates for teachers in 2023. See more information about the requirements, the list of chosen applicants, and other pertinent information for teachers’ TSC Merit List Per County below.
Download the PDF for the shortlisted Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for 2023. Do you wish to know if the 2023 shortlist has been made public by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC)? Then, read the content below to download.
To access the list of shortlisted candidates for the TSC List of Successful Applicants on the www.tsc.go.ke official portal, please follow the instructions on this page.
It is essential to keep in mind that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) shortlist contains the names of candidates who have been selected from across several states for the next round of the Teachers Service Commission recruitment process in 2023.
Is The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) List of Successful Candidates Out?
For the 2023 recruitment, the Teachers Service Commission, or TSC, has made available all lists of shortlisted Candidates. For more information on how to check the full PDF list of all applicants, visit the official portal @ www.tsc.go.ke.
How to Check the TSC Shortlisted Candidates 2023
While waiting for the list to appear on the official Teachers Service Commission recruitment website, all applicants must be patient.
A complete list of the selected applicants will be made available on the official TSC official webpage and on their official Facebook page. Continue reading to learn how to verify your name after the list is made public.
Follow the steps below to see if you have been pre-selected for the computer-based tests.
Navigate to www.tsc.go.ke to access the official Teachers Service Commission TSC shortlisted portal.
To find the center of the home page, scroll down.
Click “View Full List” next to “Shortlisted Candidates.”
Click on the date to see if you have been chosen for the position you applied for.
For the teachers who were chosen for the recruitment process, TSC has made available merit lists. The lists contain the names of the candidates who have been shortlisted for all secondary and elementary teaching positions.
You can download our merit lists, which are arranged by county and sub-county. Please be aware that The 2023 Teachers Service Commission Recruitment Guidelines will be used.
Successful candidates for primary schools may be posted to serve anywhere in the nation where openings exist, not just in the county where they were recruited.